This Prattville, Alabama, the couple couldn’t have gotten any help sooner.
During a hot, humid afternoon last week, Erica and Douglas Melton’s van broke down at an intersection. The situation was already precarious, but Douglas, who has quadriplegia, was confined to his wheelchair while his wife summoned assistance from the community.

Many kind-hearted strangers also stopped to offer the pair some food and water while they waited.
After seeing the scene for the first time, Erica took a picture and posted it on Facebook. “We are very privileged to have such kind people among us to come to our rescue when we are in need.”

However, Sgt. Hope was quick to deny any merit, saying that any other officer would have responded the same way if the call had come in. Even though his job description didn’t call for it, Erica believes he went above and above the call of duty.

Erica gushed about how kind and sensitive he was. That wasn’t required of him.

Since her post, her photo and narrative have gone viral, and she is happy to help spread the news about her good deed. Sgt. According to one person, “reveal the genuine aspect of the bulk of police during their daily [duties].”